Puzzle sets

Below are links to sets of 10 puzzles for you to print out and solve. You are given a total for the set which will be your target, but not the value for individual puzzles.

Target times are given and solutions will be posted later. The 100 problems are also included with solution in printable format.

Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

100 Puzzles

The most satisfying way of solving a solitaire puzzle is to end with a long sequence of jumps. Another variant called Sequence Solitaire is introduced. In this version, any peg removed in a single jump must be immediately replaced somewhere on the board (on any empty square). The game can only end if all the pegs can be removed in one long sequence. The task is to find a solution with the least number of moves. Below is a PDF with 100 puzzles of this type (with one solution shown). There will be other solutions, but none will have fewer moves.

Sequence Solitaire