Star Gaze

The Ancients joined the dots to create elaborate creatures from a very basic skeleton of stars. The objective here is to become familiar with some of the constellations, understand the Greek letter naming convention, and recognise that the patterns are the projections of a very deep 3-D arrangement of stars onto a 2-D plane. The depth is recovered by drawing circle at different depths. Of course, stars can be abstractly connected in many ways; random triangles of ‘tracing paper’ are shown as one possibility.

Most of the stars do not have proper names - you can try naming them. Scientists sometimes have a problem with the creative task of naming things, but a name just needs to be memorable and does not have to mean anything - you can simply generate names at random till a memorable word turns up. The tone of the random words generated depends on the palette of basic sounds used.

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Jigsaw #1 Leo